Technology Portfolio
Creative Impulse support a broad range of technologies based on our network of proved specialist associates. We provide experience and high quality consultancy to enable development of computer solutions. If you need a specialist and we can't help, we will do our utmost to find someone who can.
Software Consultancy and Development Services
Bespoke Embedded Systems Development
Hardware Development
Independent code inspection and test
Signals and DSP Analysis
We aim to strike the balance between the latest object orientated design methodology and the need for high performance in the embedded world of critical timing requirements. Projects are completed within our commercial version control environment, client access to shared development areas, release libraries and effort management facilities are available.
Previous projects have included Automotive control systems; electronic measurement instruments; Software for remote, distributed monitoring systems and database processing for telecommunication applications. Contact us for more examples and suitable case studies.
Supported languages
C, C++, (I-Logix) IBM Rhapsody, Motorola/Freescale eTPU C, VHDL design verification, Assembler, Oracle SQL/Pro-C and Relational Databases, Pascal, BASIC. We support most major languages in the embedded domain and Object Orientated Design philosophy is applied to all languages used.
Real time Bare Metal Developments and bespoke platform development, Multi-core and Multi-Processor developments, UX/Linux Platforms, Scripted systems (Linux Shell, PERL, DOS), National Instruments LabView, RTOS Systems (Nucleus, VX-Works), Internet Technologies ( IoT development). [Please note we do not provide website development services, but do provide server integration and back engine software.]
We support a massive array of tools but some of our more notable ones are:
Various Embedded Debug and Compilation Environments including Lauterbauch and Lauterbach Script.; Ashware eTPU simulation and script; MatLab; Clearcase; XML Schema design and data usage; Mentor Model SIM and X-Ray.